Country of Origin. Italy, Iraq, Libya.
Similar Aerial Platform. Mirach 150, MQ-2 Bigua, C.22, Marakub 100 (Iraq).
Role. Target drone, tactical cruise.
Armament. HE warhead on cruise.
Dimensions. Length: 13, ft 5 in (4.126 m). Span: 5 ft, 9 in (1.804 m).
Wings. Low-mounted, back-tapered and semidelta with square tips.
Engine(s). Single jet on top rear. Oval intake and round exhaust.
Fuselage. Round, tapered to the front and rear. Two belly fins.
Tail. Back-tapered, V-type flats on sides of engine. Tail cone.
Argentina (MQ-2 Bigua), Greece, Iraq, Italy, Libya.
Updated: 12 January 2008 | Born 12 September 2000 |